Series 100: Educational Philosophy


    100 Legal Status of the School District

    101 Educational Philosophy of Iowa School Districts

    101.1 Bondurant-Farrar Community School District Educational Philosophy

    101.E1 Educational Objectives

    101.2 Vision Statement

    102 Equal Educational Opportunity

    102.R1 Grievance Procedure

    102.E1 Notice of Discrimination

    102.E3 Notice of Section 504 Student and Parent/Guardian Rights

    102.E4 Complaint Form

    103 Long-Range Needs Assessment

    103.R1 Long-Range Needs Assessment

    104 Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy

    104.R1 Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures

    104.E1 Complaint Form

    104.E2 Witness Disclosure Form

    104.E3 Disposition of Complaint Form

    106 Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited