Title 1: K-2 Reading

  • Eligibility Criteria:

    Students will be eligible for Title I services based on the following criteria: 

    • FAST Assessment scores demonstrating below benchmark for two consecutive testing periods
    • Sight word recognition scores are discrepant from peers
    • Daily work and test scores are below classroom average
    • Classroom observations demonstrate the student’s lack of required skills
    • Teacher recommendations, with support data, showing a need


    Exit Criteria:

    Students will exit from the Title I program based on the following criteria: 

    • FAST Assessment demonstrating at or above benchmark for two consecutive testing periods
    • Sight word recognition scores are comparable with peers
    • Daily work and test scores are at or above classroom average
    • Classroom observations demonstrate the student’s attainment of required skills
    • Teacher documentation shows growth in past weaknesses


  • Headshot of Ben Anderson

    Mr. Ben Anderson

    Morris Elementary
    700 Garfield Street SW
    Bondurant, IA 50035