Special Education Transportation Services


    Special education students have the same busing rules and options as general education students, unless their IEP specifies a specially designed transportation service. In this case, IEP teams determine if the nature and severity of the disability requires specially designed transportation.


    Special education students with specially designed transportation will need a Special Education Tansportation Request Form filled out prior to transportation being arranged for them.


    Students with specially designed transportation may need to have an authorized parent meet the bus in the morning with the student and then again in the afternoon, depending on the nature of the disability and the age of the child.  The transportation department will email you prior to the start of the school year and let you know the time for pick up and drop off for your student.  


    We ask if your student is not going to ride the bus or van in the morning or afternoon due to illness, appointments, etc.,  that you email or call the transportation department by 6:30 am to inform us of the change so we are not waiting unnecessarily for your student.  You may also contact us by e-mail transportation@bfschools.org or call our after-hour phone number at 515.967.2891.