Health Policies
The school nurses will serve all four attendance centers of the Bondurant-Farrar CSD. They supervise the various health programs of the schools and work with children on current health problems. Each building secretary is always knowledgeable of the nurse's schedule.
By the day of enrollment, parents/guardians must submit the necessary data to show their child has completed his/her immunizations or qualifies for a provisional certificate according to Iowa Law. Board Policy 507.1
All students entering kindergarten are required to provide proof of dental and lead screening prior to the first day of school. Another dental screen will be required prior to entry into ninth grade.
- Proper labeling:
- Prescribed medication: All prescribed medications shall be maintained in the original prescription container and labeled with the following:
- Name of student
- Name of medication
- Name of physician
- Name and address of pharmacy
- Date of prescription
- Directions for use and storage
- Over-the-counter medications: All over the counter medications shall be maintained in the original container in which they were purchased.
- Prescribed medication: All prescribed medications shall be maintained in the original prescription container and labeled with the following:
- Parent/Guardian written consent on a dated statement:
- A parent/guardian signature on a statement requesting and authorizing the school personnel to administer the medication must accompany the medication. (BP 507.2E2)
- Record of administration:
- Each time the medication is administered, a record shall be maintained in the nurse's office. The record shall include the student's name, date, time, name of the medication, amount given, and the signature or initials of the person who administered the medication.
- Medication reactions:
- Any unusual conditions or behaviors following the administration of medication should
be reported to the school nurse, if available or to the parent/guardian immediately. Reactions to medication should be recorded.
- Any unusual conditions or behaviors following the administration of medication should
- Definition of medications:
- Those health products covered by the medication policy include all prescription medications and over-the-counter products, including but not limited to:
pain relievers, cold remedies, cough syrups, antacids, cough drops, throat lozenges, etc.
- Those health products covered by the medication policy include all prescription medications and over-the-counter products, including but not limited to:
- Security:
- No medications are to be carried during school hours by students nor stored in pockets, purses, school bags, lunch boxes, lockers, teacher desks, sports equipment bags, etc. The only exception would be with a physician’s written orders and a parent/guardian written authorization for a student to carry the medication with him/her for self-administration as necessary (ie: inhalers, diabetic supplies, emergency medications).
- ALL medications, either prescription or over-the-counter, must be brought to the school nurse by a parent or other authorized and approved adult. Absolutely no medications are to be transported to/from school by any student. Any student found with unauthorized medications will be referred to school administration.
- All medications will be stored in a secure area, accessible only to those who are authorized to administer the medication.
- The building principal shall designate those in each building who are authorized to administer the medications. Those authorized will receive instructions from the school nurse concerning administration and confidentiality of medications.
- At the end of the school year or the end of the dispensing time, any remaining medication must be picked up by the parent or an authorized and approved adult within two weeks of the last day of school. All medication not picked up will be disposed of in an appropriate manner in accordance with medication disposal guidelines as set forth by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration -
- Tylenol/acetaminophen (Advil/ibuprofen – High School and Middle School Only):
- Tylenol/acetaminophen medication will be available in each building and may be administered to students if consent has been granted by the parent or guardian indicates permission. After ten doses of OTC pain reliever have been administered to any one student, the parent/guardian will be notified and a doctor order will be required before any additional OTC medication will be made available.
- Alternative Medical Therapies and Supplements:
- Alternative medical therapies and supplements will not be dispensed by school staff. Exceptions to the above may be granted by the Superintendent for religious conflict or other acceptable reasons. (BP 507.2 13)
**Please note! Pharmacies will provide a second prescription container with a duplicate label....when you request it. This can be used for school use, and will remain at school until all medication has been finished. This procedure is safer than transporting medication daily to and from school.
Any child with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher should stay home from school. They should not return to school until they have had a normal temperature (without medicine) for 24 hours.
When a child has a fever of 100.4 or greater, vomits, has diarrhea or gets an injury that requires medical attention, parents/guardians will be notified. It is very important that the information submitted online is as accurate, up to date, and as complete as possible. Parents/guardians should notify the school of any changes in information on the card from the beginning of school.
No child is sent home until prior arrangements have been made. In case the parents/guardians cannot be contacted, the school will contact the person designated on the registration card by the parent. If no one can be reached or in extreme emergencies, the school will transport the student, to the nearest physician or hospital, by the best transportation available.
Please inform the school nurse or secretary if your child contracts lice. Please refer to the Head Lice Brochure or contact your school nurse with further questions. Thank you.
Every student at the elementary will be screened annually for vision and hearing. Any abnormal findings will be reported to the parent/guardian immediately. Students at the middle and high school will be screened for the above only upon request from a parent, teacher or Heartland AEA consultant. If you would rather your student NOT participate in annual screenings, please submit your request in writing to the school nurse in the building your student attends before September 1 of each year.
- Proper labeling: